Friday, February 6, 2009

Space Monkey : The true story of Miss Baker (1960)

Burt, Olive. Space Monkey: The True Story of Miss Baker. New York : John Day Co. (64 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

A hard book to find it covers that narrow time in the U.S. space program when monkeys and chimps were our astronauts. Since no one knew exactly what the launch and retrieval process would do to primates (like us), Miss Baker was a true American hero (and she didn't even get the ticker-tape parade).

The book was reprinted in Britain in 1961 with a slightly different cover:

Burt, Olive. Space Monkey. London : Darwen Finlayson (48 p.) 21 cm. Cloth, DJ.

1 comment:

  1. I have one if anyone is interested; it's a school library surplus. Mary Creasey
