Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Visit to the New York World's Fair with Peter and Wendy (1964)


An apology to my long time followers. I had stopped posting months ago when I got too busy. I am also having to work much harder to find /create new posts. So let me try every 2 weeks for a while and see how I do.

A Visit to the New York World's Fair was the official World's Fair storybook. A great example of obscure but not particularly valuable. It shows 2 children touring the fair and seeing what they saw. I chose it because of a little bit of space content and as a fan of the film "Men in Black." So look for the "flying saucers" sculpture as featured in the film.

Mary Pillsbury. A Visit to the New York World's Fair with Peter and Wendy. NY : Spertus. (26 p.) 1964.

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