Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dreams of Space after 2 Years!

It hardly seems like another year but thanks to my loyal viewers "Dreams of Space --Books and Ephemera" blog celebrates its second year on February 2.

When I started it really was a way for me to do something else with my collection. By profession I am a librarian and feel compelled to share things.  Thank you for being my audience as my not-so-detailed text accompanied some of my favorite images of spaceflight.

The blog has given me an excuse to buy a few more things as well as a place to have a conversation about some of the cool books we remember.

I especially thank some of my friends in Europe who have shared their knowledge and comments as I stumble across items you are all much more familiar with.  I appreciate people sharing their knowledge and encouraging me that there are more than a few of us "nutters" out there dreaming of space.
I will keep sharing items since I still keep finding more I want to share.  Each object has a story and I thank you for giving me the chance to tell the story.  And next up is your "First Vacation on the Moon" a book I am sure most of you have never seen. Bonjour!


  1. Happy Anniversary John! Two years of fantastic blogging. Long may you continue dreaming of space, Woodsy [SWORD Moonbase]

  2. Belated congratulations, and many thanks for sharing all these gems with us! Here's to many more years to come.
