Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Eagle Book of Rockets and Space Travel (1961)

Taylor, John W.R. and Allward, Maurice. Illustrated by Sentovic, J. Eagle Book of Rockets and Space Travel. London : Longacre Press. (192 p.) 27 cm. Cloth, DJ.

This is a wonderful British book outlining whatever every child needed to know about the space age. Eagle magazine was a mainstay of many British children. To broaden their market they issued annuals and various "branded" products.

So there is the "Eagle Book of..." for a variety of subjects.

A lot interesting factual pages. Covers all aspects of space travel, from the history of space to rocket models to future Moon landing plans and interplanetary travel. Interesting for its British perspective on space travel and rocket research.


  1. Say, does Dan Dare put in an appearance here?

  2. No Dan Dare I am sorry. This is pure non-fiction about space flight. Dan Dare does appear in some of the Eagle Annuals which had some non-fiction articles in them. I will blog about those soon. John

  3. Thanks! I suppose not even Dan Dare can be everywhere.

  4. My elder brother bought me the EBORAST when I was only nine in 1962. It absolutely enthralled me as, like most youngsters at that time I was fascinated by space travel,astronauts, cosmonauts, rockets and so forth. It was excellently organised and written with a wonderful range of illustrations, photographs and imaginative art work in keeping with the high standards of the Eagle comic. It was factually based, soundly scientific and gave me a good grounding in many important principles such as gravity, rocketry theory, rockets for war and peace, satellites, space exploration, astronaut training and projections into the future. Among these was a NASA flow chart projecting into the late twentieth century announcing manned bases on distant planets!
