Friday, October 18, 2024

Outer Space (1953)


An oldie from 15 years ago (The last time I blogged about this one). I found my copy of this and was able to add a lot more scans of this early space treasure.  Outer Space was evidently a give-away comic book at Atlantic Richfield gas stations. For those of you who did not know, often in the 1950s and 1960s when you got a tank of gas there were promotional giveaways. They could be comics, books, dishes, antennae balls...etc.

This is a treasury of early space flight illustrations and I assume few have seen this. So I have tried to scan as much of the comic as I could. A lot of it seems to have been "borrowed" or influenced by the March 22, 1952 Collier's issue.

Atlantic Richfield. Outer Space. New York: Vital Publications. (15 p.) 1953.

Can you imagine? A rocket could cost more than 4 million dollars! And be more than 300 ft high.


  1. Aha! Page 10 may go a long way toward answering a question I've had about a detail in a painting by Chesley Bonestell showing rocket stage separation and appeared on a cover of Colliers, March 22, 1952 issue; and, a few rather more recent publications about his art.

  2. And then I'll wonder about the cutaway art of that station on page 14, if as caption upper right says, the station rotates so as to induce artificial gravity, shouldn't the decks be oriented across the tube instead of along the tube?
