Friday, March 7, 2025

Rockets and Space Coloring Book (1960)

Some nice space pictures (to color) for you today.  Coloring books may be one of the ultimate forms of ephemera. There were meant to be used, admired? and then thrown away. Yet many children owned them and there were at least 40 issued between 1950 and 1970 on space themes. If pictures are a universal communication then these children got a lot of input about what their future in space would look like. This particular one is full of futuristic dreams of what space flight might be from the viewpoint of the beginning of our men into space programs.

Rockets and Space Coloring Book. New York: Treasure Books. (51 p.) 1960. 

This first batch seems to be copied from older 50's space images

This image on the right above seems a little odd. It can't be on the Moon since there is a helicopter.  What is the palm tree doing in the loading of the lunar ship? Does it leave from the tropics? Does it launch "single stage direct?"

This image above also needs more explanation. Is this a Russian launch system? I don't remember it.

"Ready for take-off" to aim at targets on Earth?

That spaceship has a really big window

Friday, February 21, 2025

Die Mondexpedition (1966)


Die Mondexpedition is the original  German book that was translated into English in 1969 as The Log of a Moon Expedition. It's full title at the time was Die Mondexpedition: 14 Mal 24 Stunden auf dem Mond roughly translated as The Lunar Expedition: 14 times on the moon for 24 hours. Which I simplify as "The Lunar Expedition: 14 days on the Moon."

The author and illustration was Ludek Pesek, a well known space artist. See his Wikipedia article here.

He illustrated space and planetary themes in books and National Geographic illustrations since 1963. This was his first science fiction novel which he chose to illustrate with lush paintings of an expedition to the Moon. I blogged about the English language copy of this book in 2009.

If you have not seen these before I am happy to show you some wonderful art you might have missed.

Pesek, Ludek. Illustrated by Pesek, Ludek. Die Mondexpedition: 14 Mal 24 Stunden auf dem Mond . Recklinghausen: Paulus Verlag. (126 p.) 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Our Defenders (1976)


Even if a bit inappropriate, given politics, here is a cool Russian pop-up book. Not really space flight oriented but still interesting. Our Defenders was a book illustrating the Russian military including battlefield rockets. The images are stereotypical of Soviet times and an interesting choice for a children's book.

Mihalkov. Sergei. Illustrated by Beslik, A. НАШИ ЗАЩИТТНИКИ (Our Defenders.) Moscow: Baby Publishing (Mayysh) House. (16 p.) 1976. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

My Weekly Reader and Gemini (1965,1966)


As I got through boxes I found a couple of My Weekly Readers that I had not shared before. My Weekly Reader posts seem to be popular for their nostalgia effect and because as ephemera no one saved them from their youth.

These particular ones are about the Gemini missions. At the time in elementary school many children saw these as their "space news" since the adult papers were not written at a basic level. So even if these are short articles they bring back a time when America was headed for the moon.

Don't you wish you had lived in this neighborhood?

Pretty fun to see someone's answers to the quiz. How did you do?

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Eager Beaver Space Book (1962)


As I keep digging in my collection I have found Space Beavers! This was a promotional comic book from Cities Service gasoline. It probably was a give-away with purchase. It reflects the early 60s where the Mercury launches had taken place and we were looking ahead to the future. The whole premise is a beaver who is invited to go on one of the early space voyages. The twist is that his son falls asleep during discussions about space facts and dreams of a moon trip. It is campy and strange in the best way and I am sure unfamiliar to most of you. Just the kind of thing I love to find and share.

The Eager Beaver Space Book. (Promotional comic from Cities Service Gasoline.) (32 P.) 1962.