Some nice space pictures (to color) for you today. Coloring books may be one of the ultimate forms of ephemera. There were meant to be used, admired? and then thrown away. Yet many children owned them and there were at least 40 issued between 1950 and 1970 on space themes. If pictures are a universal communication then these children got a lot of input about what their future in space would look like. This particular one is full of futuristic dreams of what space flight might be from the viewpoint of the beginning of our men into space programs.
Rockets and Space Coloring Book. New York: Treasure Books. (51 p.) 1960.
This first batch seems to be copied from older 50's space imagesThis image on the right above seems a little odd. It can't be on the Moon since there is a helicopter. What is the palm tree doing in the loading of the lunar ship? Does it leave from the tropics? Does it launch "single stage direct?"
This image above also needs more explanation. Is this a Russian launch system? I don't remember it.
"Ready for take-off" to aim at targets on Earth?
That spaceship has a really big window